Wednesday, August 31, 2011

School and Uniform =)

 School Uniform
Colegio Manquecura

birthday in Chile.

today is my birthday. it has been wonderful. today is also the first day i have been able to say that it is hot outside. its nice to be able to wear shorts and a tshirt. =)

Monday, August 29, 2011

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

i have been in chile for around a week now. i have nothing too significant to complain about. the occasional homesickness. but no big deal. i walk to and from school everyday. i have different classes each day. the teachers and people are nice. well so far.  it has been a great first week. and i am blessed to have been given this experience. =)

Friday, August 19, 2011

i´m here

i´m finally in Chile. Its so different as expected. There are mountains filled with snow surrounding Santiago. The city is so busy and interesting. It´s very cold but thankfully their Spring begins in September. I start school on monday=).

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Youth Exchange Creed

"this is my experience. Many have been here before and many will follow, but this time is mine. My journey will present numerous doors to unlimited opportunities. Some of these doors will be open, some will be closed. but one thing i  know for certain: They key to all doors lies within.


It's 3:32 in the morning. I leave today. yay! :) It's weird thinking I won't be here for a year and I will be experiencing new things by myself without my family or friends.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Saturday, August 6, 2011

away from homeaway from home

I just spent the last week in tahoe with my family. It was only a week and I was ready to go home by the end of the week. This makes me a little nervous for my trip. How am I going to spend ten months away from home when I get homesick after a week in tahoe?